Fr 28 July - Travel NL -> CH - Grindelwald Glacier
Sa 29 July - By car to Kandersteg - Cable to Allmenalp - Bunderspitz - Bunderalp
Su 30 July - Bunderalp - Adelboden - cable to Sillerenbühl - Hahnenmoospass
Mo 31 July - Hahnenmoospass - Ammertenspitz - Engsligenalp
Tu 1 Aug - Engstligenalp - Chindbettipass - Lämmerenhütte - Gemmi Berghotel
Th 2 Aug - Gemmi - Schwarenbach - Gasterental - Kandersteg Rendez Vous
Fr 3 Aug - By car to Adelboden + Thunersee + Isenfluh - Annemarieke and Rosa travel back to NL - I contined from Isenfluh towards Lobhornhütte

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